You know you are in Love,
when you see the world in her/his eyes,
and her/his eyes everywhere in the world.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love.

If you have it [love],
you don’t need to have anything else.
If you don’t have it,
it doesn’t matter much what else you do have.
What a grand thing, to be loved!
What a grander thing still, to love!
Love is strong yet delicate.
It can be broken.
To truly love is to understand this.
To be in love is to respect this.

When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start coming out.
Love is not blind - It sees more and not less,
but because it sees more it is willing to see less.

Love is more than a feeling;
it’s a state of mind.
Love is sweet, delicate, dreamy
an eternity of gorgeous moments.
The way to love anything
is to realize that it might be lost
A bell is not a bell
until someone rings it,
a song is not a song
until someone sings it.
Love wasn’t put
in the heart to stay,
for love isn’t love
’till you give it away.
Love is when you look into someone’s eyes,
and see everything you need.

The best things in life
can never be kept;
They must be given away.
A Smile, a Kiss, and Love
Finding love
is like finding one answer
to all of your prayers.

Love is a moment that lasts forever…
What do you think about the “Love”?
What is “Love”?
Your comment is appreciated.