Loving is never a waste of time.
Astrid Alauda

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Angel

The breeze that brushes above u
I fear it might hurt u like blaze
For every scratch it creates
Increases the frown on my face

Don’t want even a rose to pick u
For u r my little angel
If u r bled by its thorns
Inside my heart will be torn

Holding ur face within my palms
Is what I always long for!
Will that day be within my reach?
Promise, I won’t ask for more

Wanting to protect u from any harm
Is the vow I do to myself
Not even a single grimace
Should ever cross onto ur face

I love u!
My AngelSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Your Thoughts

Don’t know the reason why
Each time I think of u
My eyes begin to blurr
Coz of the tears rolling down thru’

The image of that shining chest
Blinking my memories
Not in one place my mind rests
Like in song, running around trees

I wonder and wonder
All trivial things on earth
End up crying on my bed
Not knowing if it’s worth

Why is my heart pumping so fast?
When my blood flows slowly
My limbs getting numb
With your thoughts so heavenly!
Your ThoughtsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

A Bliss

When the sky darkens
And the wind getting wild
Brushing the leaves from the trees
Along with my feelings of a child.

Emotionally I’m captured
And handcuffed by my fantasy
Always immersed in ur thots
Not forgetting them easily

In pain there’s a joy
Loving u seems to me a bliss
Worsened the hurt I have
Far from u is what I miss

With no regrets any day
Enticing every moment it jumps
For my search is over
Final destination has come!
A BlissSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Last Breathe

Dunno if i shud trust my faith
For to me it is strong
No oceans could wash it
And it could never go wrong

The faith purer than my love
The love that contains that faith
Dominated by the only existence
The existence not for name sake

With every breathe I inhale
Saying that existence is u
For it links with my being
Whether in joy or in blue

My residing on this earth
Is only for a reason clear
Only u acknowledge of it
Will my last breathe stop, my dear!
Last BreatheSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Clad in the sweat of desire
Expressing u my heavy mood
With my spirit raising high
Within the emotions I brood

Closing my eyes in imagination
That paints the picture of thee
Bringing the dream before my eyes
With u tightly holding me

As my desire mounting more
Wanting u more for real
Crying aloud ur lovely name
For the scars in my heart to heal

Touching the summit of satisfaction
Panting with breathe I exhale
Opening my eyes to the reality
Craving for u, in my sad tale!
DesireSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


When i sit to pen down my thoughts
I get confused where to start
With brain crushed to extract my emotions
And the pierced feelings like darts.

As speed my memories travel
Even before the ink in my pen dries
They reach my love destination
To open the lids of your eyes

Jerking you from my dreams
Makes me vibrate from here
Whatever happens to you
From inner soul i shudder with fear

Laying down myself to sleep
With eyes wet by tears
But happy my heart feels
Like in front of me u appear!
FeelingsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Concealed Feelings

I have many questions in mind
Which are hard to express I find
Wont somebody help me get through?
To make these easy pls! I'm blind!

Crumpled papers of poems about you
Written with words that never come true
Words written in golden ink
Engraved in my heart when in blue

This ink is like my feeling
Never fades away in eternity
They depict my unspoken words
That are hard to say in reality

As I write with trembling hand
Scribbling letters I don't understand
Eagerness to express how I feel
In order to prove my love is real
Concealed FeelingsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Love... Trust..

There is no end to my loneliness
Even when the world comes to a still
I lie on this heap of selflessness
Where my goal wont be fulfilled

Asking constantly the same question
Where its secret answer is hidden
Cyclone & hurricane swept my life
Like I'm a human who's forbidden

I'm not surprised by this solemnity
Yet my heart feels sad inside
Struggling to come out into the light
Turned around I found love only abides

Wondering what have I done
Why this world doesnt want me
I confess no guts to admit
My expectations left me silently
Love... Trust..SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Have I ever told you?
The darkness scares me
But I can walk in this dark
Thinking of you silently

Crowds also scares me
When I'm left alone
If your thoughts accompany me
I do feel very strong

But do not send me far from you
And keep me out of mind
I may not know my way back
Even if you want to find

Dont ever let me lose you
Assure me your love is true
My heart can only store you
The lock is rusted forever through!
You....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Eternal Tears

My love for you was plain to see
Though it was written all over me
My love so strong it can't be wrong
I try to make it last an eternity

Numerous questions running in mind
When asked, only lies I find
Money has no value in front of me
It's happiness & joy I look in thee

What tore my heart & drained my soul
You are mine but can't call my own
Nothing in life I can make it stay
All I have to end up crying everyday

Guilt envelopes when smile crosses my lips
My face suddenly fades from irregular bliss
Should my cheeks always remain wet?
Wet by eternal tears I shed for this
Eternal TearsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Dreams Could Come True

Tears slowly cloud my world
Holding my pillow very tight
Imagining myself hugging you
My thoughts travel fast as light

With eyes closed I gazed into yours
Searching for the dying desires
All for a second it took
I could describe it in a book

The pillow I hugged is damp
By the unknown tears that swam
When realised you arent there
I felt it can never be the same

Oh! is this only a dream?
Why it seemed so real?
But the tears I can very well touch
Will my heart ever heal?
Dreams Could Come TrueSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Love Will Find Its Way

The gentle breeze when blowing
Rustle of leaves whispering your name
With my cheeks turning cold
Right from the day that you came

My gazes dimmed by my tears
You stretched your hands to wipe
The instant love you gave me
I never forget this moment of my life

The seconds that passed unnoticed
Is like an eternity without air
Not a clue how I will survive?
If you did not come from nowhere

Being the ultimate soul-mate I found
Judged by the entrance you made
This special bond has no bound
So it is written on my fate
Love Will Find Its WaySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Secret Love

Within us there is a storm
It is not cruel, but so very warm
It is so deep and real inside
It hurts so much since we continue to hide

This feeling occured to us, both you & I
At the end of the day, we sit and cry
Together happily He wont let us be
This is how it is destined to only me

Is the secret-love that bad and wrong?
There is no place we will belong
Keep-on loving that's what we do
Where will it lead, we have no clue

As our days end and we must go
To our loved ones, we just don't know
What the future holds for it is blind
Only our secret love that remains behind
Secret LoveSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Searching Soul

The echoes of this silence deafens
Hinting that I have no-one
The nights are plunged into quietness
But my heart hears the thundering of the gun

No ounce of change in my remarks
As life continues ignoring me
Though touch your heart with what I tell
But pushed aside treacherously

My strength is gone by the blowing wind
Yet my gaze remains fixed to the sky
Feeling you with me as i bath in stream
Feeling your soul by my side

Everyday I lay in the sleepless sweat
With my body drenched in shame
The trauma of my nights, cold & wet
Dancing in this cruel burning flame.
Searching SoulSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Forever Wish

You are my star who will stop my cry
There's only you who will dry my eyes
I strive my best to fullfill your needs
All you have to do is tell me please

To see you far is a terrible sight
Wanting to bring you near and hold you tight
I'll do anything to make you proud
Will shriek my voice calling your name aloud

Will not let any sorrow to come nearby
Give me two wings to make me fly
Across this sky to be with you near
So that you can wipe all of my tears

Do not let me go even if i die
Appear before me when close my eyes
Sealed me with you by a gentle kiss
Lull me to sleep with this heavenly bliss
Forever WishSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Fact Of Life

Living in this beautiful memory
Where my tear drops make it shine
This memory covers rest of my life
Where everything will be fine

Im rich since I possess this love
Expressing in every single way
My senses wake up when reciprocated
Cherishing its beauty everyday

What is gone cannot come back
But the memory of those days are strong
All the fake smiles I put in front
Just to make you smile along

If you noticed this world is small
Trying to hold billions in its soul
One thing it always cannot avoid
True love lives, but we should mourn
Fact Of LifeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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