We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Martin Luther King

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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tonight thoughts of you are vividly strong
To love you this much, how can it be wrong
Though distance is fact, and a major part
I knew of this obstacle, right from the start

Love knows no boundaries, distance, nor time

And my only thought was for to make me your
Love travels the miles on angels' wings
And if returned, it means everything

To kiss your lips, feel your embrace

Your gentle hands caressing my face
These things I long for while we're apart
Yet still I know, we touch with our hearts

Daydreams take me to a place in time

To a heavenly realm that is so sublime
No barriers, no buffers, nor distance to close
Just two hearts entwining, the merging of souls

And there we will reign, two hearts as one

Until dealing with distance is finally done
When hearts are the focus, no price is too high
Whatever the cost, I'll gladly comply

And so tonight, as I look to the stars

Two hearts are embracing, 'tho from afar
I've closed that distance, don't be alarmed
My spirit is with you, I'm there in your arms
HeartSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

I Love You


Every time I think about you,
I'm reminded of the reasons
why I love you from the depth
of my heart and soul.
And I wonder what I'd
do without you,
without your healing smile,
your words of faith,
the caring and sensitive way
you touch me, lifting me
just when I need it most.
Without you,
what would I have?
What would I be?
I can't imagine existing in
a world where someone doesn't
love me the way you do.
You're the only one who ever
understood me and accepted me
for who I am.
And I think you're nothing short
of amazing.
Your love always has been
and always will be,
life's greatest gift to me!

I Love YouSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Love Me

Don't love me for what I have,
Or the things that you think I'll receive.
Love me for who I am as a whole,
And the person that I'm struggling to be.

Don't love me for my money,
Because if you ask I will truly share.
Love me for being understanding and kind,
And for being a friend whose always there.

Don't love me because I hate you,
Because I would do the same for a dog.
Love me because I have faith in you,
And for loving you most of all.

Love me for seeing the good in you,
And for helping you overcome the bad.
Don't love me because I cater to you,
And for giving you my very last.

Love me for the person I am truly,
On the inside and the out.
Don't love me because the words I love you,
Flows freely from my mouth.
Love MeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

I wish . .. .....

Do you know how many feelings
i carry in my heart,
how do i end my day and how
do i start.
Missing you and longing 4 u is all
i can do,
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too.
Do you know how many
unspoken words i wanna say,
how can i say i keep on finding
the ways.
Loving you and praying 4 you is
all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too.
Do you know how many dreams
i have in my eyes,
how can i fulfill them i keep on
telling the lies.
Preaching you and caring 4 you
is all i can do,
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too.
Do you know how much pain is
deep in my soul,
how do i bear them and keep
trying to come out of the whole,
Searching you and urging 4 u is
all i can do
but i wish as i feel you feel the
same too.
Do you know how much I LOVE
i wanna tell but unable to do.
Missing u, loving u, preaching u,
searching u , wat else i can do,
I wish as i feel you feel the same

I wish . .. .....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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