Bad chances were better than no chances.
Stephen King

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Too Far

Every morning I wake up
Realizing you're really far away
So I put together my 2 hands
And pray for a good day.

I know God's watching
And he'll lead me back to you
I just have to keep living
So she can see me through.

Although you're not close
And many miles away
I'll still love you
Even after today.

I really miss you dearly
And really wish I was there
But despite of not having you here
At least I still have air.

-- Amrit
Too FarSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


My love for you knows no bounds
And one day it will pull me to the ground.
And on my knees I will ask it of you
If you and I could become one, not two.
And if God answers my prayers
When I stand at the alter, you will be there.
I will love you forever, to the end of my days
And each day, to God will I praise.
For sending me an angel, so beautiful and true
An angel so perfect, It could only be you.
-- Amrit
AngelSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


I am but a moth drawn to a flame

The flame is my love as it gives me purpose

When I look into the light,

I can see my past, present, and my future

I can see where I’ve been and know where I am going

As your flame burns brighter, I am even more drawn to you

Though you may burn me, I fear not

For you are my love and my destiny

I am afraid of the dark

Burn me, consume me, set me afire

But please don’t leave me
Alone in the dark.
-- Amrit
FlameSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Ki Likhan??

Aaj dil ne Pher Kiha ke kujh likh,par samaj na aawe mainu ke mai ki likha
Us rab wargi maa da pyar likha,ja bapu da houna gamkhar likha

Pyar da dooja naam loki Rab kehnde,
par aajkal di duniya wekh ke
sacha rab ya jhutha pyar likha

har koi bhajda hun sohrat piche
na kise nu kise da fiqr riha
hun es bhaj doud wali zindgi wich har rishta hunda taar taar likha

Garib Roti piche ameer paise piche bhajda ae
Rab da kise nu khyal nahi
es karke hi sab to hunda door mai kartar likha

har koi kar riha ethe ik duje naal samjhote
na kre koi kadar zazbata di
bus hun pyar de naam ute hunda mai dilla da wapar likha

Rusiya yaar manne ta samaj sacha rab manne
sacha pyar te rab di ibadat dowe ik yarro
samaj na aawe hun Amrit nu ehna dowa di kiwe mai sifat likha

-- Amrit
Ki Likhan??SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Asi aap ni likhde saatho halaat likhwounde ne
kriye koi v gal ta sab shayar aakh bulounde ne

kujh aapne dil di likhiye kujh hora de dil di kehne aa
har kise di gall cho asi kavita labhde rehne aa

nitt nava zakham kha ke v us rab da shukar manoune aa
bahut kujh kho leya zindgi ne satho par hun kujh pouna chohunde aa

kujh karde ne aalochna baki sab pyar jatounde ne
dhanwadi ha ehna sab de jehre samey samey te sanu raahe pounde ne

socha da panchi sada nitt ambra te udari lounda ae
nitt nava koi geet ja gazal aapni chunj vich pa liounda ae

is soch de panchi nu asi nitt chog birho di pounde aa
vichre hoye sajjna nu yaad krke roz sog manounde aa

rabb di kirpa naal lag geya hai hun likhan Amrit v
par haale udari ohdi uchi jini baaz nahi
eh kise de dil nu tumb sake hoyi kavita teri di eni surili aawaz nahi

-- Amrit
ShayarSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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