The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.
Blaise Pascal

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Monday, September 8, 2014

Beauty of Love .. .... ....... ...........

Have you ever captured the beauty
Of how it feels to be in love
How precious the feeling is
Delicate as the wings of a dove
Your heart is always smiling
You wear a big grin on your face
For once in your life you realize
You have settled down at the right place
Everywhere you look around
You see nothing but happiness
Purity, honesty, generosity
And one above all kindness
You ask where can I find it
Well it's sent from up above
Everything I have just described
You'll find in the beauty of love
Beauty of Love .. .... ....... ...........SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, September 7, 2014

My Love For You . .. ....

My love for you grows everyday in each and every way.
It grows when you look at me, when you say my name.
It grows when I hold you close at night
and can feel your heart beating against mine.
It grows when our hands meet and each of our fingers
lace together perfectly.
It grows when I tickle you and you can help, but laugh.
It grows when you talk about us in the future,
because I couldn’t imagine it
with anyone else but you.
And most of all it grows when you say I Love You.
My Love For You . .. ....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Never !!!

Never talk about feelings
if you really don’t care…
Never say I love you
if it isn’t really there.
Never say you’re gonna
if you don’t plan to start
Never hold my hand
if you’re gonna break my heart.
Never look into my eyes
if all you do is lie…
Never say hello
if you really mean goodbye.
If you really mean forever
then please say you’ll try…
Never say forever
cause forever makes me cry!

Never !!!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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