True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.
Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Miss My Best Friend..... I Really Do...

Every memory remains

as the days pass quickly by

as i look upon the past

my heart just wants to cry
we were always together

through the good times and the bad

i try to keep a smile

but i cant fight the feeling sad
your laugh was addicting

and so was your smile

now everything's changing

and I'm stuck in denial
the person that has change

dat first i thought was you

but i realize now its me

but its not i changed, but grew
everyone will change and everyone will grow

but i will always forever love you

and that i hope you know
guys got in the middle

and other factors too

i guess one thing thats changing

is that I'm now jealous of you
i miss so many things

about the way it used to be

we both have made mistakes

not "just" you or not "just" me
i miss all of the good times

like when we'd talk all night long or when we'd belt out the lyrics

to an old barney song
when we'd fall over laughing

and we wouldn't know why

all the hugs you gave me

when all I'd do is cry
i miss your blond moments and the things we would say

acting like stoners

day after day
i miss when we'd talk

for hours on end

but i think most of all

i just miss my best friend
I Miss My Best Friend..... I Really Do...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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