Next to "God", "love" is the word most mangled in every language.
Richard Bach

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Feel Your Gental Touch

I love to feel your gentle touch,
It's warm against my skin.
And the way you leave my hair in dissaray,
time and time again.

I love your smell and salty taste,
when you are going strong.
I could partake of you time and time again,
all night and all day long.

I wish I could hear the stories,
from the places you have been.
Many have cursed you horribly,
to others your a friend.

You've put many in a watery grave,
and carried many others home.
There's not a place upon any shore,
where your dare not rome.

I'll always greet you happily,
and enjoy your warm embrace.
I'll enjoy the warmth and tenderness,
as you caress my face.

If your not there when I arrive,
I'll wait at the shore.
Ocean wind I pray that you,
will blow forever more.

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