Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
St. Augustine

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Dream World . .. ...

Kahin toh.. kahin toh..
Hogi woh,
Duniya jahan tu mere saaath hai..
Chaha mein chaha tu,
Aur jahan bas tere mere zajbaat hain..

Hogi jahan saba teri,
Palkon ki kirano mein..
Lori jahan chand ki,
Sune teri bahon mein...

Jane na kahan woh duniya hai..
Jane na woh hai bhi ya nahi..
Jahan meri zindagi mujhse,
Itni khafa nahi..........


Living in a shell... Sometimes it Really hurts like Hell..
Hai Na...!!
Yeah.. Sometimes you want to go away..
Just Leave Everythin' Visible Or Audible Maybe.. N' Go..
Just Go..
Go To a place where nobody'll be there but the one you Adore like A Bliss...

Is There A World Like That Anywhere ??

Stings and Pain.. They are so Hard n' Frequent..
Hah.. They almost make the target Immune...
And in that moment of Immunity..
In That Moment Of Immobility..
You Dream...
It doesn't matter what you Dream..
It doesn't matter what youe See..
It doesn't matter what you Perceive..
What only matters is that you still have the ability to Dream...

I know One day will come.. & I'll lose that Ability too...
Coz' I'll be a Dream Then...

Yeah.. You Guessed Right.. Am Goin' Crazy....
And Its Not A Dream...
A Dream World . .. ...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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