To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter.
Francoise Sagan

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Longing of a Woman

The alarm clock strikes 7 am.. and she slips out of her dreams..rubbing her eyes to see the Sun of a new day..eye in eye with the Sun.. she wakes up to a day full of longing..
the longing to meet those who parted away by looking at the photo frames..
the longing to find the lost love after listening to an old melody on FM...
the longing to rest the head in mother's lap when a tear rolls down the cheek....
the longing to listen to dad's husky voice when an almost alike voice echoes in the street downstairs..
the longing to hear inspirational words from the mouth of an old school teacher again...
the longing to play cricket with the kids on the road when their ball comes rolling by your feet.....
the longing to travel across the world when you set your eyes on the World Map in your child's geography book..
the longing to bathe on the village well again with the village girls, who are no more girls but women now....
the longing to see the wishes coming true after tying a red thread around an old tree....

and the longings are unending...... just like desires...
Hope Floats...truly said !
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