Love can make you do things that you never thought possible.
Phil Collins

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sajjna Khair Hove


Tenu mile mehak mohabatan di,
sade hisse gum da zehar hove,
tu chumda rahe mukh khushian de,
sade vehre hanjuan di nehar hove,
tenu yaad rahe na naam sada,
asin bhuliye tan rab da kehar hove,
tere kadma vich hove sir sada,
sade sir mathe tera pair hove,
SAJNA ve teri khair hove
MITRA ve teri khair hoveee....
Sajjna Khair HoveSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Never Say Forever . .. ...

Never say I Love You,
if you don't realy care.
Never talk about feelings
if they aren't really there...
Never hold my hand
if you are going to breake my heart...
Never say you're going to
if you don't plan to start...
Never look into my eyes
if all you do is a lie...
Never say hello
if you really mean good bye...

If you really mean forever
than say you'll try...
Never say forever.
Cause forever makes me cry...

Never Say Forever . .. ...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Good Bye

I've been loving you for so long

I've been dreaming of you all night long

I keep telling myself some other time

Maybe you will be mine.

I keep asking myself why

Just because of this damn love I cry

And now I have to let you fly

Even if it means Im gonna die

I love you that's true

I wanna be with you yes I do

I wanna feel being loved by you

But that's just a dream that wont come true!!

Now my love its time to say goodbye

I promise you'll never see me cry

But before I let you go

I just wanna say I love you so!!

Good ByeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Forever . .. ...

I love lot of things about you.

But I hate those things about you.

I miss your eyes,

Your lips that, like an apple,

Your cute dimple when you smile,

And your voice that keeps me melting inside.

But I hate those things about you,

'Cause you make me crazy about it!

You're like a child when you sleep,

And I can't catch my breath when our eyes meet.

It feels like we are the only people in the world,

I am trapped in your sight.

Even though you are gone from my life,

It's like you are my FIRST LOVE.

And our memories LAST FOREVER....

That I keep in my HEART,


Forever . .. ...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

I Hate My Life . .. ...

I hate this life,
I'm down and I'm liven it,
I try to make a sound ,
but no one's hearing it,
cause they don't care,
but I'm wishing they would,
If they saw me for who I was,

Why can't you accept me for who I am for who I want to be,
Maybe they could,
I changed and I'm breaking down,
In silence I can't make a sound,
I'm hurting inside when no one is around,
I wanted to die,
now I'm not sure,
I was about to slice,
but dropped the knife,
I carried on,
but I hate this life.

I Hate My Life . .. ...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Loveless Rant

When I look at you, you make me want it not to be over

Even though it never desperate for you

I'm tired of always being alone, I'm dying deep down

Dying when I see you smile at another lad

When my heart is yearning for

To tell you that I LOVE YOU

Without you I'm broken

With you I'm invincible

You're my only weakness

I can see it in your eyes that you want nothing to do with me

If I asked you to stay with me

If only as a friend, would you

I keep telling myself just one more day of rejection and I will be over you

But that day may never come

It burns through my soul to be ever so alone

Luckily I have a friend who understands what it is like

But he has found his angel

And could walk away and be happy

Her, him and his angel support me

Even though they don't know it

If he was to leave with his angel it would be us

And I can't handle another day where it is just us

I wake up in my room and realise that I'm going insane again

This is becoming a problem again

You're under my skin crawling

As you're the only thing that matters to me it seems.

I'm trying so hard to bite my tongue

As I know otherwise u would know the truth

Loveless RantSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Black Tears

Hot sensations rolling down each cheek

My tortured soul, is what they seek.

Dripping down my wretched face

Desperation for a simple touch, but heartbreak is all that's left in it's place.

Rejection has left my spirit cold

Your the shadow that has me in its hold.

I bleed heavy where you cut me so deep

In my state of isolation, I pray the darkness my soul to keep.

Broken up so deep inside

For you my heart has travelled far and wide.

But here I stand alone

Listening to the heavy beat of my heart drone.

You're never be here to wipe these tears away

And you're not here to tell me everything will be okay.

You will never know about the tears that leak onto my pillow at night

Or how, when I look into those eyes, the urge I must forever fight.

I will not cry for you on the outside anymore

But on the broken inside, my emotions will continue to roar.

And no matter what happens in this life, you will never know

Why these black tears ever did show.

Black TearsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

You Are In Pain

When u r in pain,
when ur heart is broken when ur tounge stop talkin,

When u needs to cry but ur eyes is dry..U r in pain!

When u prefer to die when ur heart needs supply
When use the morning night when ur eyes closed cuz u feel fright

When u feel that all when u have no soul ,U r in pain !

When u write to express when ur hurt progress,when u see the more less
you r in pain !

When ur love gone away when u feel that no way,

You are in pain ..
You Are In PainSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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