Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Emily Bronte

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Loveless Rant

When I look at you, you make me want it not to be over

Even though it never started.im desperate for you

I'm tired of always being alone, I'm dying deep down

Dying when I see you smile at another lad

When my heart is yearning for

To tell you that I LOVE YOU

Without you I'm broken

With you I'm invincible

You're my only weakness

I can see it in your eyes that you want nothing to do with me

If I asked you to stay with me

If only as a friend, would you

I keep telling myself just one more day of rejection and I will be over you

But that day may never come

It burns through my soul to be ever so alone

Luckily I have a friend who understands what it is like

But he has found his angel

And could walk away and be happy

Her, him and his angel support me

Even though they don't know it

If he was to leave with his angel it would be us

And I can't handle another day where it is just us

I wake up in my room and realise that I'm going insane again

This is becoming a problem again

You're under my skin crawling

As you're the only thing that matters to me it seems.

I'm trying so hard to bite my tongue

As I know otherwise u would know the truth

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