Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies.
John Donne

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In my lonely nights and endless days
Struggling myself why I felt this way
Each time you talk, you blew my mind
It's so empty and meaningless I find

Whatever I say, meant nothing to you
Your screams and yells only make me blue
You may forget your shrieks in a minute
But they linger in my heart, when think of it

Somehow you find your way in this temper
Trying to forget, losing my way, in your anger
Forever in quest of the peace in me
In you or your love it can never be

When being with you each and everyday
Did the words I say, even pass your way?
To the extent my heart has become stoned
But why do I still call you my own?
Words.....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What could be the reason?
To place my faith n beleif
Is trust the only one?
It sounds nice n releived

What could be the reason?
When words are just illusion
They are used to assure
In order to accomplish a mission

What could be the reason?
When the vision disappoints me
Because what I see you cannot
Since the vision grew cold in thee

But when you tilted my face up
Asking me to see those stars that shine
Those stars disappear in daylight
One among those stars is mine
ReasonSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

That's Her .......

I am pretty, no one to blame
Little frightened, but remain unnamed
Don't sadden me, I'll cry at night
I live in distance, out of all sight

I am not psychic, who slits her wrist
I like mystery, where I don't exist
I am very shy, but I'm well-tamed
Won't ignore you, won't bring you shame

I'm full of fake with a plastic smile
I'm out of reach beyond thousand miles
I'm poured with emotions, always in pain
My sky is dark, ready to rain

My tears flow down like tsunami flood
Not tears of water, but tears of blood
I'm loved to be hated, no one loves me
I'm weak inside, but strong for thee!

That's Her .......SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


The silence of the night
The stars that shine bright
The serenity of my soul - where
The calmness of my love is shown

I stare into this space
Where pin-drop silence took place
Fearing I might disturb
The smile I have on my face

Why sleep did not come to me
My mind thinks non-stop of thee
Though eyes remain closed
The tears escaped freely

There! I decided to sit up
Staring into the dark
My mind always disturbed
Craving to hear your talks

SilenceSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Love .. .....

She aimed to the highest peak
She was lovely when she speaks
All pains & sorrow dint last long
She was right, proved everyone wrong

Came to standstill when she met him
It was love at first sight like in a film
She bursted into tears at their first glance
He felt she came to him like a slow dance

There was romance, passion in a row
So beautiful only they could show
Forgetting the reality around them
As days roll on, their love grew more

Although handcuffed in this strange bond
No name or definition it could belong
Though miles apart and a breathe close
Their aim in this love is to make it strong

Love .. .....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Forever Love

On the glorious day of valentine
My thoughts of you engulfed my mind?
The joy in my heart I can’t reveal
Especially to the ones I never hide

Tears rush down burning my cheeks
Opened my mouth but hard to speak
Taking a deep breathe to talk in vain
The tears of joy rushed down again

Wanting to embrace the death this second
In order to fly my soul towards your end
Trembling in fear when appear in front of you
Chased away the nightmares I get in blues

Every “I love u” uttered by you
Is the lovely garland you put me through
My Rabba above is watching all these
That my love for You is forever True

Forever LoveSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

What Happened To My Love???

Alone on this cold bench
Silence gripped my throat
Wondering how I shouted
Having uttered those ill-words

At every romancing of our names
With those tiny hearts as a full-stop
But now this cruel time should i blame?
When my love is a real flop

Locking my fingers with yours
No sign of crack in this bond
Is this is the end of my hours?
Where i can see nothing beyond

Places lingering with your laughter
Haunting my every walk in life
perfume of yours is what i breathe
Leaving me sleeping on knife

Symbols of our love engaved on trees
Brings me nothing but immense pain
Only beautiful memories exist in me
I die everyday of being insane

Can we withstand these miles apart
With drenching souls and broken hearts
Every tear drop that lands on my lips
I'll consider it as your sweet kiss

What Happened To My Love???SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sorrow Of Love

I have a tormented heart
Like a worn out art
I tried my best to nurture
But at the end it was tortured

Dressed up with misery now
I saw only the broken vow
The vow I thought is ferever
But I can't rely on it; never

The immortal love that I have
Accompanied by immortal pain
No wonder my heart is never gay
Coz the numbness is on its way

Very tough to continue this poem
Since I lost the strength in me
Hopelessly romantic I appeared to be
My love is pathetically destroyed slowly
Sorrow Of LoveSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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