We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Martin Luther King

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Happened To My Love???

Alone on this cold bench
Silence gripped my throat
Wondering how I shouted
Having uttered those ill-words

At every romancing of our names
With those tiny hearts as a full-stop
But now this cruel time should i blame?
When my love is a real flop

Locking my fingers with yours
No sign of crack in this bond
Is this is the end of my hours?
Where i can see nothing beyond

Places lingering with your laughter
Haunting my every walk in life
perfume of yours is what i breathe
Leaving me sleeping on knife

Symbols of our love engaved on trees
Brings me nothing but immense pain
Only beautiful memories exist in me
I die everyday of being insane

Can we withstand these miles apart
With drenching souls and broken hearts
Every tear drop that lands on my lips
I'll consider it as your sweet kiss

What Happened To My Love???SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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