Marriage. The beginning and the end are wonderful. But the middle part is hell.
Enid Bagnold

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Moon.. The Stars.. The Sky...

When my heart grips, I find your tears on my pillow
Don't know if it's due to the sins I made
When the moon shines, i paint your name on my window
Waiting and hopping one day to get pierced by this cupid

In the autumn night, I hear the wind blowing
Blowing the leaves of the tree to the ground
But when i gaze at the stars shining
Reciprocating me with your love without a sound

When nightfall comes, i immersed in my dreams
With my eyes closed, i reach for your hands
The big white moon smiling down at me
As if you are stretching to me, with smile so grand

I stare constantly at the stars so bright
Trying to assure me, everything is for the best
Hypnotizing me with the hope of heaven
Assuring me, you are special from the rest
The Moon.. The Stars.. The Sky...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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