One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Accept Me

Accept me for what I am
Love me as long as you can
Then you will finally see
How strong my love can be
I’m destined the way I am
I see no hassle with that
That’s the truth from above
Everyone has to bear this fact
Everyone differs from others
Like me, so don’t bother
Noone can be like me
And i cant be like thee
So accept me for what i am
Im real and like no fakes
I think im a good person
For Lord never makes mistakes

Accept MeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

...a note to my friends....

Dedicated to my few special friends:

Thousands f ppl..many faces…numerous voices…
But I choosed u…

Life comes with its own terms n conditions, a child takes birth in a family regardless of their wish…but soon realises dat dese are the people who will stand by dem in every need…

A bit later v find friends dat hold importance coz dis is d relation d very first relation chosen by us..
Dey become our second family…

But amidst dis all…v all have some one else also…as a part of growing v feel dat though v have the best family, amazing friends..but still dere is something which is not complete inside…v feel dat dere is a “void..”

N den as destiny takes us round..v meet dat “some one special”…n den d world is upside round…lol

But at tyms little confusions, regrets, expectations make us loose dat grip on d relation…v feel dat v have lost it…dat faith…dat love..which b4r was dere will never come back..n with dis assumption v decide to let it go off…yea…

But after some years v sitting among our families…who are laughing around…goofing vid each oder…”YOU” will feel alone…you will feel dat void again n den:

What is happening??
Why is this miss??
The way I am feeling..
Is the way I used to miss..
Is it a void ?
Is it a hole?
Which tearing me apart
Is it my => SOUL
What can I do to make it heal??
What can I do 2 make it again beat??

But den u wont have any answers….n u ll feel lyk going back where u decided to LEAVE..

There comes a tym in our lyf when v feel dat d mistake is big enuf to let it go off…
V think d grudge is large to let go off..
Life is short n dis one will surely move on..
Will wait for no one…
Does’nt matter how strong u feel on n on…
It is true dat atyms v feel hurt…n v want dat pain to end…so dat we can again feel d way v used 2 be…we want dat relief…

But d answer 2 dis is neither “holding on” nor “moving on”….the answer is in d hurt itself…ven it seems difficuilt 2 trust…den start n try 2 evolve dat faith….

So if u feel that the relation was beautiful enuf..dat now just demands another chance..then give dat another chance before it is too late…becoz dere is no ryt tym to trust n dat will never come…its ryt now…its ryt here…believe again n u will see d hearts are mended..
...a note to my friends....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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