Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.
Barbara de Angelis

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

...a note to my friends....

Dedicated to my few special friends:

Thousands f ppl..many faces…numerous voices…
But I choosed u…

Life comes with its own terms n conditions, a child takes birth in a family regardless of their wish…but soon realises dat dese are the people who will stand by dem in every need…

A bit later v find friends dat hold importance coz dis is d relation d very first relation chosen by us..
Dey become our second family…

But amidst dis all…v all have some one else also…as a part of growing v feel dat though v have the best family, amazing friends..but still dere is something which is not complete inside…v feel dat dere is a “void..”

N den as destiny takes us round..v meet dat “some one special”…n den d world is upside round…lol

But at tyms little confusions, regrets, expectations make us loose dat grip on d relation…v feel dat v have lost it…dat faith…dat love..which b4r was dere will never come back..n with dis assumption v decide to let it go off…yea…

But after some years v sitting among our families…who are laughing around…goofing vid each oder…”YOU” will feel alone…you will feel dat void again n den:

What is happening??
Why is this miss??
The way I am feeling..
Is the way I used to miss..
Is it a void ?
Is it a hole?
Which tearing me apart
Is it my => SOUL
What can I do to make it heal??
What can I do 2 make it again beat??

But den u wont have any answers….n u ll feel lyk going back where u decided to LEAVE..

There comes a tym in our lyf when v feel dat d mistake is big enuf to let it go off…
V think d grudge is large to let go off..
Life is short n dis one will surely move on..
Will wait for no one…
Does’nt matter how strong u feel on n on…
It is true dat atyms v feel hurt…n v want dat pain to end…so dat we can again feel d way v used 2 be…we want dat relief…

But d answer 2 dis is neither “holding on” nor “moving on”….the answer is in d hurt itself…ven it seems difficuilt 2 trust…den start n try 2 evolve dat faith….

So if u feel that the relation was beautiful enuf..dat now just demands another chance..then give dat another chance before it is too late…becoz dere is no ryt tym to trust n dat will never come…its ryt now…its ryt here…believe again n u will see d hearts are mended..
...a note to my friends....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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