Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don`t have to have a college degree to serve. You don`t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
Martin Luther King

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She Loves Someone New

Forget her name, forget her face,
Forget her kiss and warm embrace.
Forget the time you spent together.
Forget it all she is gone forever.

Forget the fact that she once cared,
Forget the love that she once shared.
Forget her love that once was true,
REMEMBER now there is someone new.

Forget you cried all night long,
Forget her when they play your song.
Forget how close you once were.
REMEMBER now how she chose him.

Forget you memorized the way she walked.
Forget the way that she talked.
Forget the times she made you mad.
REMEMBER how she made you feel so sad.

Forget the thrills when she said, Hi!
Forget the times she made you cry.
Forget the way she said your name.
REMEMBER now she is not the same.

Forget you saw her yesterday.
Forget her gentle and teasing way.
Forget the things you had planned to do.
REMEMBER now she is not with you.

Forget the times that went so fast.
Forget it all it is in the past.
Forget she said, I'll leave you never.
REMEMBER now she is gone forever.

Forget the past that I once knew.
Forget it all leave it too.
Cause she no longer loves me...
..She loves someone new...
She Loves Someone NewSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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