To live is like love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it.
Samuel Butler

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do You ???

Do you love me when the stars are out
Can you see where I am
The brightest star tonight
Do you love me when you see the moon
As the world turns, can you reach out and touch me
Is my hair soft and golden,
Are my eyes close to you

Do you love me when the sun shines on a flower
Can you smell the grass and trees
Is that where you will find me
I want to be all of yours
Will you look at a butterfly and know I have passed by

Do you love me when you see a rainbow
Is my heart beating in time or space
Will you come to me if I close my eyes
I see you as I read many books to learn
My soul is calling yours, will you answer
You speak in every language
I hear your voice in the distance
I see you everywhere I turn.

Do you love me when I am walking near the ocean
As the seagulls sing above
And the sky reminds me of the blue in your eyes
I want you to be part of who I am
And when you do, we will be as one
I have an unconditional love,
Which I would like you to share
Do you see my heart loving you,
Until the end is near.
Do You ???SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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