Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Emily Bronte

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Rain Fall

Alone, sitting, watching the rain fall,
I give my self away
to the water,
to the flames of the drops,
The darkness creeps in,
my reality is shattered
and I fall,
I fall into the dark,
into the deep,
into an illusion.
My fate has changed,
my eyes can no longer see,
yet, I give myself away.
The rain hits me,
yet, it slices through my body,
for you see, I am no longer there.
I am falling into the dark,
my illision now becoming my reality,
my eyes see, yet my body doesn't feel,
and the rain keeps falling.

-- Amrit
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1 comment:

Namrata said...

Lovely and imparting.. nice going Amrit.

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