To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter.
Francoise Sagan

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

She Loves Him

She looks to him day through night,
She knows for him she has to fight.
She gives her soul…her body,
And her broken heart,
All for him to keep.

She’s lived life dark,
She’s wanted to die.
But now he’s taken in her heart,
And forever she will strive.

She prays to him to believe her truths.
He forgives her sins and takes her in.
He is life and life is Him.

She’s a new person,
No longer breaking herself,
For the fact of knowledge,
That he is always there to help.

Every night before she sleeps,
She bows her head,
And keeps it sweet.
Thanking god she isn’t dead.

He tells that story of her life,
Finally taking control.
After fifteen long, hard years,
She’s finally on her knees,
Lord please bless me.
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