To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter.
Francoise Sagan

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If You Could Love Me Forever . .. ... ....

I went to bed late at night,

I couldn't sleep, and I was dreaming.

I thought to my self, what it would be;

If I would came and knock at your door...

After all this long time;

Would you cry with tears of joy?

Would you hug me with all your love?

Would you scream from happiness?

Would you dance with your head in my shoulder?

Would you ask me to go for a walk again?

If you could love me forever

I’d be the happiest man in universe

If you could love me forever

I’d be the richest man in history

The books would write for us

And for our love that we had together

So please love me forever!

Cloudy weather, cloudy feelings,

Lonely days, empty feelings!

Confused and destroyed deep inside, because of you.

And I love you, because it’s you,

And I hate you, because I love you!

If you could love me forever

I’d be the happiest man in universe

If you could love me forever

I’d be the richest man in history

The books would write for us

And for our love that we had together

So please…please…please!
If You Could Love Me Forever . .. ... ....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

Esh said...

M speechless......
its totally wonderful!!!!!!
had never expected all dis frm u........
You Rock!
keep up d gud wrk!!!!!!

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