Those have most power to hurt us that we love.
Francis Beaumont

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Monday, September 15, 2008

I Write My Own Destiny

I know that you're my destiny
because i know this is real
and i know that you love me
because you show how you feel

I know that you're my destiny
and that we were meant to be
because i know that your love
is all i seem to need

I know that you're my destiny
and how i feel deep down is sincere
because when i'm with you i'm complete
and I always want you near

I know that you're my destiny
because you sweep me off my feet
and your touch is so tender
it makes my heart skip a beat

I know that you're my destiny
and i love the sweet things you do
but babe, all-n-all
i really love you ..
I Write My Own DestinySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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