The only good thing about marriage is becoming a widow.
Isabel Allende

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Tell me What Was My Fault ?

Where are you when I need you most?
You disappeared into the darkness
You left nothing behind but your memory
And for me to wait for you

Your heartfelt spirit is absent now
The smiles have wiped off the faces
Of the people you deserted here
You caused internal forever pain

I, the one you loved am crippled
Because of your sudden vacation
Your vacation that would last a lifetime
To a secret resort I will never know of

What made you decide to change your mind?
You made me feel I wasnâ??t good enough for you
Maybe that is true, maybe it is not
But now, how will I ever know?

I have been trying to thrust your memory aside
So I could get on with my life
I have tried to love someone other than you
Yet, somehow you remain the main focus
Tell me What Was My Fault ?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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