If you never really fall in love, you can never really miss it.
Carl Sagan

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Missed You

Today I thought about you

and I realized something.

I felt like a part of me was missing,

and I discovered it was you.

We're so comfortable around each other,

and we don't have to think about

what we say, or how we say it.

I missed that today. I missed you.

I thought of the times when we

kicked back, shared our dreams, our hopes,

and plans ~ and you really listened.

I missed that today. I missed you.

Remembering your smile,

and how you made me smile ~

created a smile.

I love how being just who we are is enough.

I missed that today. I missed you.

And so, as you go through your busy day,

and I go through mine,

please know that you often cross my mind,

and I missed you today. I missed you.

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