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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Memories Play a Confusing Role

You left me not too long ago
And yet it seems like forever,
I reminisce the day you left all this time
Because I was right there beside you..

I can't seem to get over the feelings I had,
At that very moment I felt so alone,

It grew cold in the room
That I lost all feelings and sense..

All I had was pure silence and disbelief,
I saw people moving towards you all around me
And yet I couldn't move a step towards you,
I couldn't distinguish my emotions
Because I wasn't sure of them..

I felt soo much anger and sadness, but I couldn't cry
At that moment I wasn't sure what was wrong,
And now a year & a half later it all comes back to me
Every tear I held in falls, and now I can't seem to stop..

I've realized how much I missed you
And how much I've needed you here
But there is no way for me to reach out for your touch.
I feel so alone right now,
That I just wish you could take me with..
Memories Play a Confusing RoleSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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