A good marriage is not destroyed by some failures, but a good marriage will be destroyed if we are not willing to deal with our failures and renew our covenant.
Gary Chapman

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Fool Like Me

Although I knew it hurts me bad
The worst part is when thought I had
The unseen feelings which did nothing
Yet I cherished it when I am waiting

People advise that life should go on
I should salute when they are so strong
People chucks when things are gone
But like a fool I think they are wrong

Heaven on earth I never saw
Even on pretty sunset that a kid draws
I will beleive if one thing exists
Is when you are beside, as I look in awe

But all I can, is stare and wonder
The day I felt in love is my blunder
Hiding within me the way I feel
Putting a mask as if no big deal

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