Those have most power to hurt us that we love.
Francis Beaumont

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Mending A Broken Heart.....

Along the stream under the cruel falls
Amist the thick forest my broken heart calls
Entangled in thorns bruised and worse
Yet my bitter past I never want to lose

Each time I begin to relate my story
The story full of cracks n crushes along
With flame in my gaze n Ice in my veins
Yet my heart beats warm for the life it gains

Frowning in tears I only weep to God
Noone will see this beautiful face so odd
I thought I'm real but this world made me fake
Is there a way I would live for my sake?

Wanting to escape from this dark place
Even my memories should not leave a trace
Who will admire me like a piece of art
And do the best to mend my broken heart

Mending A Broken Heart.....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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