Lovers who love truly do not write down their happiness.
Anatole France

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Monday, April 19, 2010

♥ It's really painful to say goodbye
to someone whom you don't want to let go ,,,
but its even more painful
to ask someone
to stay if they never wanted to stay...... :'(
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One Day

One day you'll wake up and realize
you threw away the best thing
that ever happened to you

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht how alone u r, and u dont hav the
prson who use to fill ur emptiness, nxt to u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u miss the lips, tht use to smile only 4 u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u miss tht som1,
who use to alwayz think abt u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u lov the prsn, who use to love u
but u jst took advantage of tht prsn's love

and may b tht 1 day, I will wake up with the prsn
who already knw all dis..n who will not leave me n will love me truly madly n deeply.
One DaySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leave Me Alone

O my Sadness! from where you came?
Like a ballerina, you dance like flame
Hovering over me, at my every step
Pulled me to the pool of tears I had wept

When you are around, happiness left me
No sunshine in my soul, no sign of melody
Like a parasite, you clung my being
Making me vulnerable, like a weakling

Is it so hard to leave me alone?
Let me be with the only one I've known
Your constant presence only depresses me
Release me from this burden, leave me silently!

You are the reason, I lost my smile
The sweetness in my voice, the life so fine
Let me experience the days I missed
Where I can laugh with joy and bliss
Leave Me AloneSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Little Hope

All i have is a little desire
So very simple and harmless
A desire that affects no one
But its joy is grand like Everest

My little hope exists within me
It plays a peek-a-boo game silently
This hope will dawn one day
I'm waiting for that patiently

May my life blossom like a flower
Where there's nothing but beauty
The fragrance that spreads around
Will surely reach you beautifully

But this hope lives in my desire
Which i know one day will come
My only goal is to complete you
And make you smile like a red hot sun
Little HopeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

You... You... And Only You...

Just the thought of you makes me cry
You are the reason, please wipe my eyes
I'm right there when you are in need
Because you live in me, just tell me please

For you, seeing me cry is a terrible sight
Assuring me all times by a kiss and a hug so tight
One fine day I'll make you Proud
I'll climb to the top & yell your name aloud

Dreaming of you, my eyes are never dry
With you around, there's no goodbye
In good or bad, I'm always near
I need you always to wipe my tears

Every night, I sleep with your lullaby
You come to me, when closed my eyes
You hug me warm and shower me with kisses
Whatever comes, u alone, I'll not want to miss!

You... You... And Only You...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sadness For Eterity

Why my days are always sad?
Everybody around thinks I'm mad
May be I lost my precious smile
But search in you, I 'll surely find.

Every night I kneel and pray
That I'll see you the coming day
It's like I am born anew
The moment my eyes set upon you

For what I have never had
That's not the reason, Why i'm sad
But my life becomes gloomy
That's when, you, i don't see

For you I carry a smile
That will last a long while
Now and forever my tears would know
The salty taste in it, purer than snow
Sadness For EteritySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Wont Pay Heed

My poems are only to soothe me
Since this world treats me cruelly
This twisting, burning, breaking
Remind me nothing is heavenly

Words said by you to me
Has nothing to the hurt you incur
For the wound is dried though deep
The pain cant be severe further

I often wonder why it happens
Neither will you intend to defend
I have to continue suffer through this
Nothing in life will take its bend

The wound you create is hard to heal
Even if i try, it continues to bleed
But if this would bring joy to you
Like this thousand I'll pay no heed
I Wont Pay HeedSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

New Phase

I may have murmured all times
But what i murmured is true
Never have I imagined today
That i'd fall in love with you

It's as if life began two years ago
Where i cant see anything beyond
Never expected my wish would be noticed
I thought this is the life i have to carry on

All of a sudden my future grinned
Hinting i'd brought you at right time
My past doesnt haunt me anymore
It can only encourage that i'll be fine

It seems just like yesterday
On that bright moonlight night
It commenced with my non-stop tears
Thus began a new phase of my life
New PhaseSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Weakness Surrounds Me

A striking star felt on my lap
Disturbing my mind slowly
My imagination took its shape
Gradually it became a reality

An unknown bond flashed before me
Often a smile appears on my face
Found myself cherishing each moment
By your fabulous enchanting grace

My feelings grew stronger & deeper
You occupy the whole of my mind
My little heart doubles its beat
I was sure of my decision behind

But these feelings begin to hurt
I pretend you are not real
As days roll on into months
To no-one I planned to reveal
Weakness Surrounds MeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

If You

If one day I have to die
Pieces of myself would wither by
But one thing that would still live on
It will exist even if I am gone

Every time you are touched by chilly breeze
Whenever you wander through the tall trees
The tide water touches your feet
Will remind you how you won my heart at ease

Angels above will sing a song
Conveying the message how I'm getting along
Since my love is strong though my heart is weak
The tears will flow, the eyes will leak

If ever that time approaches me to be
To part from you in death you'll see
The mountains, beaches, meadows will know
Echoeing your voice "I'm sorry to let you go"!
If YouSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Leave Me Alone

O my Sadness! from where you came?
Like a ballerina, you dance like flame
Hovering over me, at my every step
Pulled me to the pool of tears I had wept

When you are around, happiness left me
No sunshine in my soul, no sign of melody
Like a parasite, you clung my being
Making me vulnerable, like a weakling

Is it so hard to leave me alone?
Let me be with the only one I've known
Your constant presence only depresses me
Release me from this burden, leave me silently!

You are the reason, I lost my smile
The sweetness in my voice, the life so fine
Let me experience the days I missed
Where I can laugh with joy and bliss
Leave Me AloneSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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