Marriage. The beginning and the end are wonderful. But the middle part is hell.
Enid Bagnold

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Leave Me Alone

O my Sadness! from where you came?
Like a ballerina, you dance like flame
Hovering over me, at my every step
Pulled me to the pool of tears I had wept

When you are around, happiness left me
No sunshine in my soul, no sign of melody
Like a parasite, you clung my being
Making me vulnerable, like a weakling

Is it so hard to leave me alone?
Let me be with the only one I've known
Your constant presence only depresses me
Release me from this burden, leave me silently!

You are the reason, I lost my smile
The sweetness in my voice, the life so fine
Let me experience the days I missed
Where I can laugh with joy and bliss
Leave Me AloneSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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