I have found men who didn`t know how to kiss. I`ve always found time to teach them.
Mae West

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Monday, April 19, 2010

One Day

One day you'll wake up and realize
you threw away the best thing
that ever happened to you

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht how alone u r, and u dont hav the
prson who use to fill ur emptiness, nxt to u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u miss the lips, tht use to smile only 4 u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u miss tht som1,
who use to alwayz think abt u,

One day you'll wake up and realize
tht u lov the prsn, who use to love u
but u jst took advantage of tht prsn's love

and may b tht 1 day, I will wake up with the prsn
who already knw all dis..n who will not leave me n will love me truly madly n deeply.
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