Marriage. The beginning and the end are wonderful. But the middle part is hell.
Enid Bagnold

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forgetting You

If forgetting you was as easy as loving you, I would never cry,
i would have moved on with my life and lived like a normal girl,
there would be no more question marks hanging over my head, nor
there would be this thought” Why am i alive, I wish i was dead."

If forgetting you was as easy as loving you, I would never pray,
there would be more happiness with your thoughts out of my way,
dreams would no longer wake me up in the middle of the night,
gazing into the skies, I would never wish to hold onto you tight.

If forgetting you was as easy as loving you, I would never fear,
every rising sun would bring a smile on my face and not a tear,
putting back the broken pieces of my heart, I will dance ahead,
with all the tears gone, my eyes will no longer look dark red.

You can go anywhere you want, can hide in any place you desire,
my love will never die, it will keep on going higher and higher,
though you have broken my heart and gone very far away,
on your mind, in your heart- Forever Only My love Will Stay . . .

-- Amrit
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