I`d like to run away
From you,
But if you didn`t come
And find me...
I would die.
Shirley Bassey

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


People need people and friends need friends
And we all need love for a full life depends

Not on vast riches or great acclaim,
Not on success or on worldly fame,

But just in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers-

For only the knowledge that we're understood
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good,

And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed

The outstretched hand reaching to find
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind

Are lonely and longing to somehow share
Our joys and sorrows and to make us aware

That life's completeness and richness depends
On the things we share with our loved ones and friends.
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Does the pain
Ever go away?
Of seeing your face
Day after day
Will you ever know
The depths I take

To try and show
We could be great
Do you see
The lies inside
That torture me
And this life?

But youll never see
Youll never want me
And Ill always be
Here for you to believe
I would die for you
Take my life at your word
But that wont matter to you
And Ill fade in your world

The anger I show
The hate I feel
Its not for you
But because of me

I love you
More than just friends
Ill die for you
In the very end
But I hate myself
For loving you
I wish Id tell
You this too

But youll never see
Youll never want me
And Ill always be
Here for you to believe
I would die for you
Take my life at your word
But that wont matter to you
And Ill fade in your world

In my head
I see us there
Hand in hand
Something so rare
But reality stings
And the truth hurts too
Much more than
I thought it would
I love you so much
I only want happiness for you
I love you so much
I want him to be with you

But youll never see
Youll never want me
And Ill always be
Here for you to believe
I would die for you
Take my life at your word
But that wont matter to you
And Ill fade in your world

Ill step aside
Be the friend
Youll get that guy
Again and again
And me and you
Will just be close
Nothing more
Thats what you know

But youll never see
Youll never want me
And Ill always be
Here for you to believe
I would die for you
Take my life at your word
But that wont matter to you
And Ill fade in your world.
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If You Want

If you want to get the most from life,
You must put something in it,
And strive to help your fellow man
Each day, each hour, each minute.

An act of kindness done by you
Can cheer the heart that's sad,
And when you cause someone to smile,
It makes your own heart glad!

Be friendly with your brothers
And extend a helping hand,
And each of them will grasp it
In a way you'll understand.

Then as you travel down life's road
And round the distant bend,
There'll be a host of people who
Will say, "There goes my friend!"
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