Jealousy is never satisfied with anything short of an omniscience that would detect the subtlest fold of the heart.
George Eliot

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Wedding

My wedding day
The day before it we had a fight
Bits and pieces stay in the mind
Your tears and my fright
For all you would not say,
Became as a wall between us that night.

My wedding day
So many lights
Wanting to disappear into the crowd
Can't you take me away?
Please, listen...
Hear the words I am afraid to say.

My wedding day
Why in the world am I here?
This isn't truly where I long to be...
Please, just say the words,
The ones you'd speak to set me free.

My wedding day
A smile on my face to mask the sorrow
This wasn't what I wanted....
I've truly only wanted you.
The biggest mistake I'll ever make...
Are these vows I'm about to take.

My wedding day
And in the end I am in your arms
But for only heartbeat; a moment-
You hold me close as your tears
All I ever really wanted was to hold you...
And forever it breaks my heart
That you chose to let me go.
My WeddingSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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