In the true marriage relation, the independence of the husband and wife is equal, the dependence mutual and their obligations reciprocal.
Lucretia Mott

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wrong Persons

We may Love a wrong person
We may cry over a wrong person
One thing is sure.
They give us a chance to find the
Right Person

Don't be too confident when someone
tells you they like you. The real
question is, until when? Because just
like seasons, people change.

"Life is like a novel and every day is a new page.
so if a page is sad next will b happy.
so don't worry turn the page and enjoy the life."

Take a walk outside..Commune with nature...
Feel everything ~
the wind, the clouds, the trees, the sun...
Smile at the sun..Taste the air...
Smell the soil..Sing with the birds...
Touch Life around you...
LIVE and not just exist.

Respect The Emotions In Someone's Heart,
Rather Than The Expressions On Someone's
Expression Is Just A Formality
But Emotions r Reality..!
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