One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

♡ ♡ ♡...Ɩ cℓσƨɛ мʏ ɛʏɛƨ...!!! ♡ ♡ ♡

I close my eyes, once again it's you that I clearly see
In the moonlit darkness, simply amazed by your beauty
Another nite has fallen, once again you are so far away
In the shadows so dark, so quietly I begin to pray

I close my eyes, once again I see your smile so sweet
You have a certain way, your love has made my life complete
Another nite does descend, once again the tears I must fight
All alone once more, still struggling just to survive the nite

I close my eyes, once again your voice echoes in my head
With a heart so heavy, I listen to every word you have said
Another nite closes in, once again silence is all that I hear
In this place so barren, wishing I could bring you so near

I close my eyes, once again it's your touch I long to feel
Too long it has been, still hard to believe this is all so real
Another nite I must face, once again how will I make it thru
Without you I am empty, I am nothing, I simply love you

I open my heart, once again it's your love that over-flows
My heart once so sad, now so happy because it's me you chose
Another nite now a memory, once again a new day does wait
I close my eyes, so proud to be in love with you, my soulmate

-- Amrit
♡ ♡ ♡...Ɩ cℓσƨɛ мʏ ɛʏɛƨ...!!! ♡ ♡ ♡SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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