True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.
Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry

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Monday, June 6, 2011

You Mean So Much...

Because you mean so much to me
When you left
I didn't know
How much I'd miss you
Or how that void would grow
Each day that passes
Takes a part of my heart
Each tear that falls
Reminds me we're apart
But in my pain
I can find a smile
Because I know
All the while
I would not miss you
If you didn't mean so much
I would not shed a tear
If I didn't need your touch
I can't wait to throw my arms around you
And feel your strong embrace
I can't wait to look into your eyes
And gently kiss your face
Missing you is difficult
But it also makes me see
I need you in my life
Because you mean so much to me.

-- Amrit
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