To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.
William Makepeace Thackeray

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Sunday, June 12, 2011


 Here I am once again at night,
Staying up waiting for you all that time,
And you don’t appear,

But I still wait,
Cause it’s your voice that I need to hear,

When it’s dark it can make everything alright,
It makes me know I’m not alone,
It gives me the power to fight,
And when everyone is gone,

I remember how we talked all the night,
And how it just felt so right,
So I put all my fears aside,

I close my eyes to see your picture on my mind,
And I try to reach you,
I blow all my problems away,

And try to think of every way,
to get there to you,
You’re the reason I’m still going on,

Without knowing the right words to say,
Without being sure of what I should do,
Without having any clue,

With just the thought that it may come true…

-- Amrit
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