One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

The Answers

"I love you." said he.
"Oh my." said she.
"Marry me?" said he.
"Maybe." said she.
"You need to think?" said he.
"I've questions." said she.
"I've answers." said he.

"Have you a house?" said she.
"Only my soul." said he.
"No house, no windows?" said she.
"Thru my eyes, your beauty I see." said he.
"Have you gold?" said she.
"The gold in your hair is all I need." said he.
"Will you catch me a star?" said she.
"I've caught you many." said he.
"Where are they now?" said she.
"In your lovely eyes." said he.

"My questions you've answered." said she.
"Mine you have not." said he.
"I will marry you," said she,
"For your love has no bounds
It's simple and pure
Together and always
Our love will endure."
The AnswersSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

It Took So Long

I'm sorry for the times you cried,
and the loneliness you felt inside.
I'm sorry for the way things were,
and the selfishness that you endured.
I'm sorry for the nights we lost,
and the deep pain it must have cost.
I'm sorry for the love you missed,
losing you helped me realize this.
I'm sorry I wasn't the man you deserved,
this has been the hardest lesson learned.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to show,
the deepest love you'll ever know.
I'm sorry for the empty days,
and the stresses that you still yet pay.
I'm sorry for the way I left,
I've never felt so much regret.
I'm sorry for the heart I broke,
that shattered with the words I spoke.
I'm sorry for the empty space,
that laid beside you in my place.
I'm sorry for the empty arms,
you fell into when times were hard.
I'm sorry for the days that passed,
Our love now will surely last.
I'm sorry it took so long to vow,
to love you forever here and now.
It Took So LongSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Do you know how I feel when you touch my heart
Can you hear me cry inside at your silent embrace
Do you see the fear I keep hidden away
Can you feel the pain I never show
I can't help but smile when you touch my heart
You can't know the warmth it brings me
I can't bring myself to share the love
You can't see the hope in my soul
If only I too touch your heart
I only try to ease your fears
If only I could help as much
I only wish I were as true
Do you know you touch my heart
I love you being in my life
Do you feel the way I do
Do you know you touch my heart
HeartSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Real Love

Real Love?
Saying," I Love You always and Forever"
Tears ...sadness, playful times and laughter ...
Will there be a happily ever after?
Times of uncertainties, empty feelings..
empty thoughts...empty hearts...
Can our love survive or will it drift apart?

Good times ,bad times ...
we are going through it all...
can we keep this relationship going strong ....
or will crumble to pieces, and fall?

Do we want our love to continue to grow and grow?...
Do all we planed for the future ...
and never let go ?
Whatever tomorrow may bring ..
If we stay together or go
separate ways ...
Remember all our fun times and all our happy days .
One thing I know we can do no matter what ...
is to keep our love
the good memories locked deep inside our hearts..
because keeping them there is a bond
between us that can never be torn apart ...
Real LoveSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Cry For You

For five months I have waited 
And held all my tears 
But last night I let them flow 
I never again wanted to cry for you 
Because of what you did 
You don't deserve my tears

Because of what you did 

I Gave up 
I find no hope in humanity 
Because of what you did 
I see no love in a heart 
I look for the corruption 
Because of what you did 
I no longer care 
I try not to feel I try not to cry 
You don't deserve my tearsBecause of what you did 
I lost the only thing that made me happy 
You were what got me through each day 
But because of what you did 
I don't know what to do 

All that is left is tears 

Tears that have been waiting to fall 
Waiting for me to break 
Waiting for me to admit 
That I miss your love 
But you don't deserve me

Because of what you did 

I am now lost Alone without you or anybody else 
You don't deserve my tears 
But I still cry for you
Cry For YouSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Love Like This

If Someone Loves You Like This..
You Will Never Fall In Trouble ......

She said that she wanted to get high.
He took her to the tallest hill in town.

She said that she wanted to stay up All night and drink.
He gave her a 12 pack of caffeinated Pepsi and said "drink up."

She said that she wanted to shoot Herself in the face.
He gave her a water gun, put her finger On the trigger, aimed it at her face, and Helped her pull the trigger.

She said that she wanted to cut herself.
He took a Polaroid of her, handed it to Her along with scissors, and had her cut it up.

She said that she wanted to see her blood.
He took her to get her ears pierced.

She said that she wanted to cry herself to sleep.
He had her watch a sad, romantic movie before bed.

She said that she wanted to be alone.
He gave her a name tag that said "My Name is: Alone."

If Someone Loves U Like This..
He will Keep You happy Even if You Want To Fall In Trouble
Love Like ThisSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

In Your Eyes

In your eyes I see your love for me
In your eyes I am anything you want me to be

When I feel the sun, I know we are both one
In the parks where we walk
I hear birds sing and listen to angels as they talk

In your heart I will always be
Because you are a part of me
I keep a smile upon my face
I feel beautiful when in your embrace
Keep me in your arms
I know you will always keep me safe from harm

In your eyes I can see the stars
When I look at the moon, I watch it shine

All my life I will feel your strength
Forever is a long long time
 In your eyes, give me your heart and soul
I will hold on and never let you go
You love me, I do not have to pretend
You are the one I will stay with until the world ends
In your eyes, I find peace of mind
You kiss me with such tender care
In your eyes I know you want to hold me close
Love like ours is so very rare
Take me over the rainbows
Into the clouds, and through the trees
For there is no one else
I could ever need
In your eyes, I stand out in a crowd
We are together, I do love you so much now
In Your EyesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The Boy

After Years of togetherness, I left her alone,
Now All I can do is think of her and Moan.
Even after getting all the love and care,
I had to Leave her without much to share,

I didnt have the courage to turn back and glance,
Tell her the reason of my betrayal by any chance,
There is nothing Either of us could have done,
I had no other option but to leave her and Run,

I feel sorry to leave her All Alone,
It wasnt her fault, I blame it on my Own.
All I do is Cry and smile at her Photo which Winks,
Finishing my life with a few more drinks.

I pray to angels to stay with her all Along,
I pray to god to give her Courage and make her strong.
I hope that she never eels that my love was untrue and I lied,
I hope she understands the reason of my betrayal that I hide.
The BoySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The Girl

They had been together for many a year,
Now all she can feel is fear.
She gave all that she could give,
It just wasn't the way he wanted to live.

He left without a backward glance,
Not even giving their love a chance.
She often wonders what she could have done,
To keep him from going on the run.

Now she is living all alone,
With nothing she can call her own.
She can barely make herself eat,
Wondering if her life will again be complete.

This woman is now moving along,
Building her courage, and becoming strong.
Time will heal her broken pride,
Toward the sunrise her heart will glide.

The GirlSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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