True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you
hear bells, get your ears checked.
Erich Segal

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Friday, February 24, 2012

The Answers

"I love you." said he.
"Oh my." said she.
"Marry me?" said he.
"Maybe." said she.
"You need to think?" said he.
"I've questions." said she.
"I've answers." said he.

"Have you a house?" said she.
"Only my soul." said he.
"No house, no windows?" said she.
"Thru my eyes, your beauty I see." said he.
"Have you gold?" said she.
"The gold in your hair is all I need." said he.
"Will you catch me a star?" said she.
"I've caught you many." said he.
"Where are they now?" said she.
"In your lovely eyes." said he.

"My questions you've answered." said she.
"Mine you have not." said he.
"I will marry you," said she,
"For your love has no bounds
It's simple and pure
Together and always
Our love will endure."
The AnswersSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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