No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with a single thread.
Robert Burton

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Friday, February 24, 2012

In Your Eyes

In your eyes I see your love for me
In your eyes I am anything you want me to be

When I feel the sun, I know we are both one
In the parks where we walk
I hear birds sing and listen to angels as they talk

In your heart I will always be
Because you are a part of me
I keep a smile upon my face
I feel beautiful when in your embrace
Keep me in your arms
I know you will always keep me safe from harm

In your eyes I can see the stars
When I look at the moon, I watch it shine

All my life I will feel your strength
Forever is a long long time
 In your eyes, give me your heart and soul
I will hold on and never let you go
You love me, I do not have to pretend
You are the one I will stay with until the world ends
In your eyes, I find peace of mind
You kiss me with such tender care
In your eyes I know you want to hold me close
Love like ours is so very rare
Take me over the rainbows
Into the clouds, and through the trees
For there is no one else
I could ever need
In your eyes, I stand out in a crowd
We are together, I do love you so much now
In Your EyesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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