Lovers may be - and indeed generally are - enemies, but they never can be friends, because there must always be a spice of jealousy and a something of Self in all their speculations.
Lord Byron

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Friday, February 24, 2012

The Boy

After Years of togetherness, I left her alone,
Now All I can do is think of her and Moan.
Even after getting all the love and care,
I had to Leave her without much to share,

I didnt have the courage to turn back and glance,
Tell her the reason of my betrayal by any chance,
There is nothing Either of us could have done,
I had no other option but to leave her and Run,

I feel sorry to leave her All Alone,
It wasnt her fault, I blame it on my Own.
All I do is Cry and smile at her Photo which Winks,
Finishing my life with a few more drinks.

I pray to angels to stay with her all Along,
I pray to god to give her Courage and make her strong.
I hope that she never eels that my love was untrue and I lied,
I hope she understands the reason of my betrayal that I hide.
The BoySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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