One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.
That word is Love.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

As Long As You Are There

Can't count the miles,
you're away from me.
Can't count the moments,
you're so close to me.

Never thought my heart would sound this beat,
but heart and thoughts were incomplete :

. . . You were not there.

How can this be wrong ?
This feeling deep inside, so strong.
In God's hands, we will share our heart.
It never ends, over and over again, a new start.

Never knew life could be so tender . . .
To this life, to this love, to you, I surrender . . .

. . . Now that you are there.

Heart and soul
body and mind
silence and sound
to you I send it all
sweet and kind
with love all around

Never thought I could feel this way, this way
loved, blessed and sheltered
loving, blessing and sheltering,
day after day after day,

. . . As long as you are there

-- Amrit
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