A good marriage is not destroyed by some failures, but a good marriage will be destroyed if we are not willing to deal with our failures and renew our covenant.
Gary Chapman

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Monday, December 12, 2011

My Nightlife

 I loved my nights so much before I met you,
Because then, I was with myself, with my heart.
My nights were spent talking to myself,
Thinking how to deal the next situation so hard.

I started loving my nights even more after I met you,
Because I was with a friend, with someone who cared for me,
You understood my pain, you prevented me from going insane,
With you I shared my pain, with you I shared my smile,
You always lessened my pain and always broadened my smile.
With you, I shared my secrets, even the deepest parts of me,
And I knew they were safe, protected inside your heart!
Those were some amazing Nights!!!!

I started loving my nights even more when our relation took a new turn,
Because I was with a lover, someone who could do just about anything to see me smile,
You played the role of a friend, a lover, a wife, a mother,
You gave me the selfless love for which no-one else would bother,
With you, I shared the most beautiful nights of my life,
With you, I shared the most magical moments of my life.
Even on you being so far away, I was always wrapped in the embrace of your love.
With you, I shared the purest bond that has ever been.
Ah! How Wonderful those Nights had been!!!!

But now, those Nights have turned into lumps of darkness.
Our fate took you away from me. Oh! How Heartless!
I am again lonely with my Nights, hats true.
But now all I wanna talk about is you!
The nights which I so dearly loved now seem to be cursed and I feel bluffed!
Come back, O dear! Come soon in my life.
So that I can live again, give me back my nightlife.
So that I can live again, give me back my nightlife..
-- Amrit
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