To live is like love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it.
Samuel Butler

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Me ???

Why am i always the sufferer in matters of heart?
nobody ever talks to me lovingly.....
nobody ever looks after me caringly....
just 'NOBODY'!

Why do i always have to lose what i have gained?
nobody whom i love pays any heed to me
nobody fer whom i care ever cares for me
just 'NOBODY'!

Why are all my nights sleepless and full of tears?
regretting whatever wrong i have done
and gettng nothing for whatever good i have done
just 'NOTHING'!

Why do i laigh only when others want me to?
nobody cares for the pain in my heart
nobody even throws a glance at my heart
just 'NOBODY'!

Why do i have to suppress my pain inside me all the times?
don't i have the right to express myself?
don't i have the right to bocome happy even once?
just 'NO'!

Why do i always fail in life?
in whatever thing i do
in whatever way i do
just 'FAIL'!
Why am i so lonely all the time?
there is nobody whom i can speak to of my pain
there is nobody on whose shoulder i can cry
just 'NOBODY'!

Why does my life contain so many 'NOBODY'?
is there no one who is meant for me?
is there no one who wii be happy for me?
just 'SOMEBODY'!

-- Amrit
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