In the true marriage relation, the independence of the husband and wife is equal, the dependence mutual and their obligations reciprocal.
Lucretia Mott

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Gone Are The Days

Gone are the days when I was blessed,
With her love which I so proudly possessed,
She left me alone and took her love back,
Saying I was not,for her,the best.

I wonder how everything went as bad as that,
That she has forgotten everything happy between us,
Now all she remembers are her tears,
And whatever wrong happened between us.

I am here,alone,without her,
And she is there,with a new world around her,
I miss the days when we were,so together,
And I was like the whole world for her.

What happened to those days,that time,only god knows,
Why destiny came between us and poked its nose?
I was left lamenting and she moved on,
And I became,for her,just a chapter to close.
And I became,for her,just a chapter to close

-- Amrit
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