Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
Samuel Lover

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Afterstory

When you're not around,
I understand how much I need you.
Even if you can`t let go of the past,
i`ll still be there for you tomorrow.
I died inside when you didn't come running to my door,
I should have done more.
I hate the fact that you say you miss me,
but you dont do anything about it
Loving you was easy,
Losing you was hard.
Loving you is still easy, but
Knowing you are no longer mine
Is the hardest of it all
It has been a month or two since I last
saw your face. That smile that always made
me feel right at home . I try to tell myself
that I don't miss you, and I'm getting pretty
good at it overtime. It's just at night, staring
up at the starless sky with tears down my
cheeks, I know it's not true.I know.
Maybe I should call & tell you "I love you"
Or maybe I should call & tell you I had that dream again
You know the one,
Where we're somehow back together
Where it seems like you still care
Or maybe I should just call & tell you
"It'll never be the same without you here."
Maybe that's just your way
of dealing with the pain.
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall.
Like we never loved at all.
The AfterstorySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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