An orange on the table, your dress on the rug, and you in my bed, sweet present of the present, cool of night, warmth of my life.
Jacques Pr�vert

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Didn't Take Long

I once scoffed at love, avoiding it, not wanting it
I turned my nose down at it and cursed at it
Believing I will never fall in love
Believing I will never feel loved.

Everything changed when you came into the picture
There you were, mysterious, enchanting and strange
Here I was, young, serious and pure
Who could ever predict so much change?

It didn't take long
For your voice sang to me a song
The sound of it, like a river
It guides along the riverbanks, both sweet and bitter
The words escaped your lips, the way a butterfly would flutter its wings
Your voice was as soothing and calming as a gentle wind

It didn't take long
For your eyes touched my soul
They thawed my heart, which was once so cold
Those beautiful deep eyes brought me to life
The way they would penetrate my heart, like a knife

My mind is filled with thoughts of you
Day and night, all I could ever think about is you
My mind warns me we won't be more,
But my heart tells me never to let go

I swear,
No matter how many tears I would shed
No matter how long it will take
I swear to hold you one day, in my arms
I swear to kiss you someday, to keep you safe from harm
I will see you
And I will have you
Hopefully, till the end of time.

It didn't take long,
For me to fall in love with you.
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