Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
Erich Fromm

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There is a boy and there is a girl

There is a boy and there is a girl
They live together and sing like love birds
Their songs are like a surging sea
that roll over in our hearts many times

Where ever they go, there will be a song from them
They could make you happy with their love songs
or they could make you cry with their sad songs
But they will sing songs for you and me with their hearts

Where ever they go, there will be a crowd for them
They could make you to dance with their love songs
or they could make you to feel with their sad songs
But they will make you and me
happy with their songs

Where ever they go, there will be a love from them
They could make you fall love with their love songs
or they could make you tear with their sad songs
But they will make you and me fall in love with their songs

There is a boy and there is a girl

There is a boy and there is a girlSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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