The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.
Blaise Pascal

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Living The Lie

My life changed the day we met
I felt it deep inside,
and everyday I think to regret
I'm living the lie you're mine.

When I look into your eyes
I pretend you and me,
but you'll never see the tears I hide
when I think of what we could be.

And When I'm holding you I think
how something so wrong could feel so right,
and how it could all be gone in a blink
while I'm living the lie you're mine.

And it hurts me to know one day you'll leave
to be with the one you love,
when everything I love gets set free
are my feelings for you not enough?

I'd like to be your everything
your life, your shoulder, and sunshine,
but the truth keeps bringing back the pain
I'm living the lie you're mine.
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