If you loved someone, you couldn’t let lies come between you. No matter what happened - even if you’d already lost each other forever - you owed each other the truth.
Claudia Gray

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love Me Like...

Love me like I'm innocent
Like I could never cause you pain
Love me like you once did
I wish we were the same

Love me like I have your heart
Like it never broke in my hands
Love me without a stop or pause
Fulfill the words you once said

The hole never emptied
The one holding my love for you,
You can still drown me in it
When we talk, I almost wish you knew

I don't want you drowning
Like me, gasping for air
Ignorant, you're better off
This way I guess it's fair

Maybe you can see it
The way I almost breathe when you're near
Maybe you could guess why
My head's pulled under when you disappear

I think you're flying now
Without me weighing you down
I want to see you soar
Without a single frown

I wish it could be done
Wish I was your perfect girl
Your heart is better off elsewhere
I admit this because I care

You're better off with her
She caught you perfectly when you fell
I love that you two are happy
Which is why I will not tell...

I wish I were your perfect girl
The one who made you fly
I wish I were the one for you
Not the one who made you cry

Your happiness is my deepest desire
So I'll do my best not to ask
The thing I desire second most
This simple Request:

Love me like I'm innocent
Like I could never cause you pain
Love me like you once did...
I wish we were the same.

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